Tuesday, June 17, 2008

This and That

Well it is VBS week and Joy is not sure about going to church again every day this week. This is only day 2 but Sunday and yesterday she has woken up from her nap in a bad mood. She wants to do everything and nothing at the same time! Then when you get her set to do something (that she begged you to do) she refuses to do it! That is when I give up and say your on your own you can come do this with me, or you can play by yourself. That gets me about 10 minutes of no whining, then it starts over! I am hoping she will do better today when she wakes up because she was a grump this morning!
I do have some pictures for you so here instead of me rambling how about some pictures!

This is how I caught her sleeping one day, criss-cross applesauce with her legs in the air! Just a fun outside picture!

Happy Daddy! That was all I could get from her on Sunday in an attempt to say Happy Daddy's Day.

They like to play piano together on Daddy's piano.

Other happenings, our Moody Garden's passes will expire at the end of this week so we went for one last time this weekend. We had a good time, and I am sure we will miss the fishies this year. We did renew our Zoo pass so I can still go to the zoo and take one other person in for free, and get a discount on additional beyond the one free. Wanna go to the zoo?


G said...

Joy has so much pretty blonde hair! I love, love, love the main photo on your blog. It just amazes me how much she changes with each post. She is beautiful!
Yep, I disabled that blog, but I'm going to try to start another that both Steve and I update with photos, etc. It was just too hard keeping that one up-to-date! I need some help!

Tracey said...

Her hair is getting so long! Her dot-dots are so pretty on the Father's Day card :-) Hope you're having a good week.

Scooter said...

The photos look great and it looks like you and Rob had a good fathers day. As far as the grumpiness factor I am sure it will pass, only a couple of days of VBS left anyway.