Thursday, August 28, 2008


Beginning with July 4th, Vicki and Ice Cream!

Playing Ball with Great Grandmother

Checking out Meercats at the Houston Zoo

Watching Giraffe's with Daddy

Silly Giraffe got his horn stuck!

Baby Mac (he is one month younger than Joy)

Some backyard swimming

Showing off the pony

kisses for mommy and again showing off pony (I have gotten better since this picture)

A pony and a bow!

Can you tell I am proud of the ponies.

Joy's outdoor sidewalk paint art

Wearing Daddy's socks

Daddy's socks are fun!

Talking to Tracey's kitty (she later told it while it sat on the couch to "go home")

checking out the tent

pushing her stroller

At the downtown aquarium with Lily

A little deep sea diving

Ahhh Tiger attack!

Chuck E Cheese riding the pony

Joy Burrito

And that concludes this summer's highlights. Hope you enjoyed the pictures.

1 comment:

Scooter said...

Looks like you had a wonderful Summer. Joy is getting so Big. It is amazing how fast things change with young children.