Joy is well on her way to being a mobile baby! She has many tricks for getting around as she is working on the important task of crawling. She will get her arms and front half up off the carpet look at you and push... backwards. If that isn't getting her where she wanted to go then she will half roll over then stop and go the other way, somehow this does move her forward (smart girl!) Then their is always just rolling over and over and over until you get where you are aiming, but if whatever is not in a direct sideline direction she will stop readjust her direction with the half rolls then return to the roll until she gets where she wants to go. Sometimes she is just out for the adventure! She will roll until she gets to nowhere. The first time she really did this we were waiting on my sister Vicki to come visit and so Joy got herself ready to answer the door, but she stayed off the cold floor and on the carpet!
The newest "trick" was a surprise today I was sitting on the floor half watching her half reading a magazine. She was happy rolling around in her usual play area, and then I looked up and she was sitting up looking at me like how did that happen. I didn't know, in fact it took me a second to realize she hadn't been sitting there the whole time and had just been rolling around! She sat up all by herself!! I was so happy I think I scared her with my praise! She got a bottle which it was almost time for anyway and we were all happy :)
She is trying hard to work on crawling. I have started to try and crawl around her allot and expose her to others crawling next week should be interesting with VBS she will be with others all morning! I don't yet know what other kids will be with her, but I believe most of the kids at our church around her age are already crawling so she will be the only one not mobile. I just hope she doesn't start crawling without me to be there to see it! If so I hope the ones watching her don't tell me so I will think it's her first time with me watching or at least in the room! She manages to do more when your not watching!