Sunday, February 17, 2008


Okay here are some pictures from the past couple of weeks:

Lily and Joy in Lily's wagon at the zoo February 7th

Joy's new kitchen, she loves it Michelle thank you, thank you, thank you!!

Daddy and Joy buckling the baby in the stroller. She loves the stroller Jen, thank you thank you thank you!

Joy in her new outside chair (she kept wanting in the big unstable ones) Notice the chair is inside! She also has a "sweep" (broom) and a rake. When she sees them she says "sweep" or "rake" in a cute little questioning mode.

Joy's Valentine from Daddy.

We just had to order the heart shaped pizza, even though it was thin crust, it wasn't too bad.

Rob, my flowers which he got me, thank you, thank you, thank you, (I think he did a perfect job this year I love the colors!) and the pizza.

Little People Village! Joy hasn't seen it yet as I set it up while she has been napping this afternoon, but I am sure she will love it. I do! With the exception of the house and the bus these are all part of the freebies from Jen! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Oh and the preschool is in her room so it's not out, but otherwise those are all her Little People. Please stay tuned for Rob's version of the Little Village People.

As far as news in our little world I have none other than my sister, brother in law, and husband all have tomorrow off and I will be at work. Isn't that supposed to be the other way around I am the teacher for goodness sake! Please play a sad tune now.

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