Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day The actual event...

Mother's Day turned out nice. The dedication was very nice, the pastor looked up the origin of each baby's name and Joy's is Pure Joy (Katherine means pure). Although the name meaning is not something that helped influence Joy's name it is something that could change our minds. I have always liked the meaning of my 1st name (lady) and so I want my kids to have good meanings too. Anyway his looking up the meaning of her name was special to me. Then he prayed for her with her hand on her back. I was surprised she let him put his hand on her, she isn't one to like people to touch her especially if she doesn't know them. He did say near the end of the prayer she was lifting his hand off her head. 2 other children were also dedicated and it was a nice event. After the service we came back to our house and had lunch. Marty cooked a brisket, which was perfectly done, Frenchy (my uncle) did beans with an ingredient list longer than my arm. I did some pasta salad, and my mom made a lemon cake. It was all pretty good. After lunch everyone visited. Joy was amazingly awake and happy the whole time! Usually I can barely get Sunday lunch in her before she gets ready to crash, but yesterday she was raring to go until around 2:00 when the crowd departed! Unfortunately that did not mean for a longer nap, just a later one!
When she woke up we went to dinner at Cafe Express one of my favorite places to eat, and then back home and I put her to bed for the night.
Presents... From Joy and Rob I got an Apple TV, I love it! I can play our iTunes music on the TV, really anything on itunes is now on the TV! In addition we can watch movie trailers and YouTube. It's great now if I can only learn from Rob the details on which computer and itunes etc. This is also the first step of 2 taken on Saturday to remove cable from our lives! We watch maybe 3 shows on cable, and we can get them either from streaming video off the internet or itunes. So with the apple TV and the antenna we purchased Saturday (stimulating the economy with our check). We are ready to cut the cable. I guess I can go call them now!

1 comment:

Scooter said...

It was a good day and I am glad it was memorable.

I never knew there was a Apple TV.