Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Mother's Day

The original plan for Mother' s day was to have a relaxing non-exciting day with no commitments and no worries. Well things always change. Our church just got a new pastor after being without since Last February. Since we didn't know the old pastor that well and didn't ask the interim Joy was never dedicated. Not to say we don't want her to grow up in the church or anything like that, just the formal "dedication" never happened. So another couple in our Sunday school mentioned they were dedicating their daughter on Mother's Day, I mentioned we had not dedicated Joy yet and Mother's Day would be nice (the church secretary is also in our class). So next thing I hear is in the announcements they are asking for all children who have not been dedicated to be dedicated on Mother's Day. We are now signed up. So my uneventful Mother's Day has become Joy's baby dedication day AND Mother's Day. The good news is my sister is cooking a brisket, my mother is cooking potatoes and dessert, and that leaves me with house clean up and a salad. I guess I can handle that. Now to figure out a family picture for them to display. I guess I shall raid Rob's computer now. Maybe I will get those bath pictures up too!


G said...

What exactly happens at a dedication? That is really awesome - sounds like a wonderful way to celebrate Mother's Day! Take lots of photos!

Unknown said...

A baby dedication is basically the family (Rob and I) and the church promising (dedicating ourselves) to doing everything to teach the child about God and the church.
Since we believe that baptism and becoming a Christian is an act of free will we don't baptize babies, instead we dedicate them. It will be Joy's choice when she is older to choose to follow Jesus and God, we just want to stack the deck. That a good enough answer for you Geneva?

G said...

That is a truly execllent answer. Thanks Donna Marie!

Electric Monk said...

Well, speaking as the other couple who's dedicating their baby that day, we've got baby dedication, Mother's Day, AND Vanilla Bean's first birthday party that day!

We did the Monkey's dedication on Father's Day, so this seems very fitting.

Scooter said...

Yeah, that church secretary sure is special. I am looking forward to the dedication. Talk to you Sunday.

G said...

How was your Mother's Day???